Clear aligners are described as both the modern and discreet alternative to conventional metal appliances (also commonly referred to as ‘traditional orthodontics’) combining both an effective solution to misaligned teeth within the mouth, whilst looking virtually invisible too. In addition to their unique transparent design however, many patients may be unsure of the other benefits that clear aligners have to offer.
What are the benefits of receiving Invisalign Weybridge?
Regarding their benefits, Invisalign clear aligners are replaced every several weeks in order to gently encourage the teeth to move into the desired position. Once the treatment process is complete, patients can expect to experience a surge of self-confidence, whilst possessing a straighter, and therefore far happier smile that lasts a lifetime with the correct aftercare.
How to maintain the results of your post-treatment smile
After their clear aligner journey is complete, many patients may be wondering how to maintain the results of their post-treatment smile. A retainer appliance should be worn regularly at night in order to keep the teeth in the desired position, although the exact frequency should be made clear by your dental professional.
Did you know?
Invisalign clear aligners have provided over four million patients with a straighter and therefore happier smile on a worldwide scale. Despite their undeniable popularity however, many patients may be unsure of exactly what to expect from the treatment process.
How to prepare for the clear aligner treatment process
Clear aligners are undeniably popular within the world of modern orthodontic appliances, despite this however the expected treatment process can seem confusing for many individuals. Much like any dental treatment, clear aligners will always start with an initial consultation. During this introductory session the patient and dentist will discuss every aspect of the treatment, whilst attending to any questions the patient may have.
So what happens next?
Once both the patient and the dental healthcare professional have decided that clear aligners are right for the patient’s unique dental case, the treatment journey can commence. Invisalign embraces the latest advancements within dental technology, this means the patient can avoid the unpleasant moulding impressions that typically come with orthodontic appliances. Invisalign uses a three dimensional impression system that can not only record the exact movements the teeth are expected to make, but can also provide a prediction of the patient’s post-treatment smile.
Feeling anxious?
Dental anxiety is extremely common within the world of dentistry and is therefore present during all forms of dental care (such as general routine dentistry, cosmetic dental care, preventive dentistry, and even orthodontics). Despite common misconception however, dental anxiety is not only experienced by young adults and children, it can however be experienced by patients of a wide range of ages.
So what’s the solution?
If you are a patient who is feeling anxious prior to your first clear aligner appointment, then you need not fear. Dental anxiety is extremely common and is therefore dealt with professionally at the majority of modern and accommodating dental practices. Regarding a solution, patients should voice any queries or concerns they may have to their local surgery in order to formulate the best possible plan to make the patient feel comfortable.