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FAQs about Invisalign answered

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When it comes to straightening your teeth as an adult, most people want a brace or aligner that is visually discreet, comfortable and lifestyle friendly.

And while you might be convinced that your teeth may need something more heavy duty, such as a standard brace, it is well worth talking to your dentist about one of the most popular aligners around; Invisalign.

Here, 5 of the most popular questions about Invisalign are answered, so read on to learn more about this nifty and powerful aligner.

How often do I have to wear them?

When you attend a clinic that specialises in Invisalign, or Clear Braces Direct London, in most cases they will tell you that for aligners to be successful, you need to wear them for a minimum of 22 hours per day.

Failure to adhere to the daily wearing guide laid down by your Invisalign provider can result in delays in treatment and may even lead to your teeth reverting to their former positions.

So, keep the aligners in!

Are there any orthodontic issues that can’t be helped by Invisalign?

Yes, there are but they tend to be complex.

Extreme cases of bite issues cannot often be treated with Invisalign, and will usually need something sturdier like traditional braces or lingual braces to correct. If you need to have a tooth rotated, fitted braces are more likely to be beneficial too. And of course, if your dentist determines that your molar teeth need moving to prevent grinding or bruxism, then Invisalign is unlikely to be suitable for you.

Do the aligners hurt?

invisible braces

Even in this day and age, there is no such thing as completely comfortable orthodontics.

And while invisible aligners are deemed by many to be more comfortable than standard or fixed braces, they are still doing the same job; moving your teeth. So, there will likely be some discomfort while using Invisalign, particularly after you have switched between the aligners. Aim to manage this discomfort with over-the-counter pain relief and, as always, if you have any concerns about discomfort levels, talk to your dentist or Invisalign provider.

How long is the treatment?

On average, treatment with Invisalign is between 3-6 months.

But you have to be aware that for some people, it can take a bit longer; there have been reported cases of Invisalign taking up to 18 months to work. This is not a fault of the aligner, but may be more to do with a lack of the patient sticking to the required timelines of wear, thus delaying treatment.

For more advice on how long this aligner will take to straighten your teeth, talk to your dentist or orthodontist who will be able to provide a better time estimate!

Are the aligners expensive?

Some may think so, but many dental surgeries are aware of this and will be able to offer suitable patients a credit option, which will help break down the price.

If you are eligible, this will allow you to break down the cost over a period of months; many dental surgeries are also able to offer 0% interest options, so be sure to shop around for a suitable and affordable Invisalign provider.

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