Woman assisting a man with shoulder problem

Minimally Invasive Surgery: the Solution to Your Shoulder Problems

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The shoulder is a very complex joint with inherent characteristics that make it unstable. We are allowed a wide range of movements at the shoulder because of its functional anatomy, but we are also prone to various injuries that can compromise our use of our arms and hands in daily life. When the shoulder joint complex suffers an injury, your orthopedic surgeon might recommend a minimally invasive surgery in Utah County. Are you currently suffering from pain and dysfunction due to a shoulder injury?

What is minimally invasive surgery?

The common understanding of surgery is that it entails collateral damage to surrounding tissue. Open surgery typically involves making an incision on closed skin to reach underlying tissue. The availability of modern tools and innovative techniques now allows operations with little to no tissue injury. Moreover, this kind of surgery puts the patient at risk for fewer complications and allows a short hospital stay and quick return to work.

Minimally invasive procedures on the shoulder by an experienced orthopedic surgeon should produce expected treatment outcomes without significant trauma to soft tissue surrounding the area. Targeted incisions and the use of technology to visualize internal structures usually characterize current shoulder operations.

Case Review: Tear of the Rotator Cuff

Surgeons doing an operationThe rotator cuff is a complex of shoulder muscles and their tendinous attachments. The top of the arm is the location of tendons that prompt the shoulders and allow the arms to move as much as 180 degrees. Age, as well as wear and tear, can lead to the thinning of avascular tendons, which increases the likelihood of tearing from stress and strain. If you are reading this article because you have rotator cuff tendonitis, or perhaps an injury from a fall, you know how painful it can be to move your arms. Pain is only one of the symptoms. A loss of function and muscle strength limit a person’s capability to perform daily activities.

When is a rotator cuff injury indicated for surgery?

The conservative management for rotator cuff injury is physical rehabilitation. The doctor will only recommend surgery if there is no progress in recovery or when the physical state of the injury suggests that the damage is irrecoverable. However, if your symptoms do not improve despite a targeted physical therapy program, your doctor will likely recommend a different route—surgery. Most of the time, athletes with a rotator cuff injury from acute trauma undergo a minimally invasive operation.

The most commonly prescribed procedure for a rotator cuff injury is arthroscopic shoulder surgery. In the hands of an experienced surgeon, arthroscopic techniques are indispensable and invaluable.

Today, with the use of unique instruments, a person with shoulder pain and dysfunction can benefit from procedures that result in desired outcomes with little trauma to surrounding structures. Rest assured that an experienced orthopedic specialist should be able to repair the damage within the joint. After the operation, you will be able to perform shoulder movements and participate in daily tasks and leisure activities without movement limitations.

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