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Tips on aftercare for oral implants

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When you have had oral implants fitted, over the coming weeks one of the key things you need to remember is the aftercare advice set down by your dental team. As oral implants are fitted via surgery, there are many things you need to do to prevent the site from becoming infected and to ensure that the implants are fusing correctly.

Luckily, the aftercare relating to the fitting of oral implants is not too extensive and it is possible to fit it in around a busy schedule. Of course, if you notice signs of an infection occurring at the implant site, such as swelling, discolouration, excessive discomfort or the presence of pus, you should seek advice from the team who fitted your oral implant.

So, without further ado, what are the top tips on aftercare for dental implants Ryde?

No brushing

This may sound odd, but one of the core things you need to do to help your oral implants and the site around them heal is to not brush them for a few weeks. Of course, you should aim to brush any other natural teeth that you have in your mouth, but brushing the implant site can cause inflammation and infection. To keep the site free from debris, you should rinse it with lukewarm salt water as required each day.

Pain relief

The fitting of oral implants should not be excessively uncomfortable, but many people find that having pain relief to hand during the days following the fitting is helpful. But be sure that you have the right kind of pain relief available, as following surgery, it is not advisable to be using medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin, as these can thin the blood and worsen bruising. Make sure that any pain relief you have does not cause this issue. Many patients have found that paracetamol is the best option.

Sleep elevated

To prevent further bruising to the face or jaw, many patients who have had implants fitted sleep with their heads at a slightly elevated angle. This prevents the blood from pooling. Luckily, you only need to do this for the first few days post-fitting and can pretty quickly resort to sleeping flat.

Man Wearing Black Shirt Drinking Water

Stay hydrated

Oral implant surgery is quite extensive, even if you’re only having one implant fitted, and to recover from the surgery, you need to stay hydrated. So, be sure to drink as much water as you can each day, as this will help your body to heal. It is also important not to eat very hard foods while your implants are fusing, as this can cause them to move, so aim to eat softer healthy foods like boiled vegetables.

Stay in touch

You will also need to stay in touch with your dental team so that they can assess whether or not the implants are fusing correctly. In the weeks following the surgery, you will likely need to see your dentist every 2 to 4 weeks, so they can assess if there is an infection or not and so they can predict how long it will take for the implants to fuse fully.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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