teens falling asleep while studying

Common Teen Problems that Are More Serious than You Think

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Teenagers have their own shares of trouble. From grades to body image, different issues interfere with their daily lives. Sure, some problems may not appear as troublesome as what adults normally deal with. But, there are also common teen worries that are more serious than you think. If downplayed or ignored, some may even develop into more complicated troubles.

Below is a roundup of issues adolescents of today struggle with. Setting aside the usual topics, such as sex, drugs, and violence, here are other teen worries that you should also pay close attention to. Learn about each of them and why they’re more serious than you think. Read on.

What Are the Common Problems Teenagers Face?

Excessive homework

It’s normal to hear students rant about their homework. Some detest the pressure, and others hate the additional work at home. But are these rants valid?

Traditionally, assignments are seen as a common part of school life. Teachers provide them to allow independent learning and personal development among students. Yet, while there are proven benefits associated with homework, various studies also suggest assignments can only be beneficial to a certain degree.

In 2014, a Stanford study reported too much homework could be counterproductive. Specifically, among all the students who participated in the research, 56% identified assignments as their main source of stress. Too much homework also often leads to possible health risks, such as sleep deprivation and weight loss. Worse, the demands of excessive assignments can interfere with students’ relationships and social activities.

Without enough help and support, teenagers are likely to experience burnout. Some may even lose interest in school. Their mental health is also at risk, and feelings of alienation are likely to develop.

Too much time online

Recent developments in technology pushed teenagers further into the cyber world. From gaming to shopping, almost everything is now done online. Unsurprisingly, a recent study found teens spend an average of nine (9) hours on screen media per day. This discovery was followed by a Pew Research Center survey that found 52% of U.S. teens are worried they spend too much screen time.

Of course, time spent online isn’t necessarily bad. It helps people de-stress and reconnect with friends. However,  prolonged screen time can do more bad than good. This could lead to physical, emotional, and even cognitive problems. Specifically, long hours in front of the screen can lead to eyestrain. At the same time, this also poses an increased risk of obesity, possible sleep problems, and even slower information processing.

Pressure to look good

The desire to look good is common among teens. As they confront bodily changes and emotional development, they are likely to become more susceptible to societal pressure. To make matters worse, the boom of social media exposed them to idealized images of people. As a result, common problems associated with puberty become harder to deal with, such as facial hair and acne.

Generally, this consistent pressure leaves emotional and psychological burdens among teens. From perfect skin to thinner bodies, many standards are enforced upon them. Eventually, failure to conform to these standards can lead to negative body image and low self-esteem. As a result, teenagers are likely to develop insecurities and become self-loathing. Worse, the intense pressure to look good may push them to seek unhealthy alternatives to reach their desired appearances.

What can you do?

Seek help

Teen problems are valid problems. While some issues can be solved by simple dinner talks or a whole day in bed, others require immediate help. The first step is to be honest with yourself. Recognize your struggle and be open to help. Parents, teachers, friends, and even medical professionals are there to give you a helping hand.

Balance self-acceptance and self-improvement

Self-acceptance and self-improvement are essential ingredients of self-love. While they seem contradictory, the two are necessary to balance each other. Self-acceptance helps you accept the things you cannot change. Self-improvement tells you that you can still be better.

The pressure to look good, for example, can at times be overwhelming. Self-acceptance helps you understand that it’s perfectly normal to have body fats or acne. Meanwhile, self-improvement tells you that you should ditch the midnight snacks or see a professional to help treat your acne scars. In the end, it’s all about recognizing you’re okay just the way you are. And, at the same time, acknowledging you can still be better.

Create a healthy routine

Having a healthy day-to-day routine is important for teenagers. Since you’re at the age of exploration and experimentation, a consistent routine can provide you the stability you need. Moreover, this will allow you to keep track of your common worries and development.

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