youthful skin

The Vital Tips You Should Know to Keep Your Skin from Aging

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Age is something that we do not get a choice on because we will all get older, whether we like it or not. However, that does not mean we have to let our skin show our age or look older than your actual age. It would be best if you learned how to prevent signs of skin aging as early as possible. Here are some tips that you should learn to achieve a youthful glow.


Collagen is a huge component of your skin because it makes up 75% to 85% of it; however, we create less collagen as we get older. When you have less collagen in your skin, it will get wrinkles and fine lines and be less plump. You should start to focus on adding more collagen into your life as early as 25 years old if you want to prevent signs of aging. Eat food rich in collagen or take collagen supplements to keep your skin looking young. You can also find facial products with collagen to add an extra boost to your skin.

Treat Yourself

It would be best if you learned how to pamper your skin occasionally to keep it in tip-top shape. It would be best if you had a “spa day” at least once a week to have healthy and young skin. Getting facials that specialize in reducing signs of skin aging can help you feel amazing, both in and out. Be sure you find an excellent medical spa in Utah to help you make your skin glow.

Start from Within

We should start listening to the phrase, “You are what you eat,” more, especially as we age. If you eat lots of junk and sugar, your skin will appear dull. Therefore, you should focus on a healthy diet full of fresh veggies and fruits; plus, it would make you feel better! And of course, we have all been told that we should drink more water, but it is something that you should listen to — if your skin is dehydrated, it will encourage the growth of wrinkles and fine lines. It would help if you also lessen your alcohol consumption.


woman applying moisturizerTo avoid aging skin, you need to trap more water into your skin to keep it looking youthful. Find an excellent moisturizer that keeps water in, and typically face creams are more useful for aging skin. It can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Don’t forget about sunscreen, too. The sun can create a ton of damage on your skin and make it look older, especially since it breaks down collagen. Get a broad-spectrum sunscreen that has SPF 30.

Pat, Don’t Rub

It would help if you were gentle with your face, especially now that it is more susceptible to damage. When you dry your face with a towel, avoid rough towels, and make sure that you pat dry it. You should never rub your skin dry because it will increase your chances of wrinkles and fine lines. Make sure you are not rough when you use makeup wipes or remover on your face as well. Gentle and upward strokes will get the job done without harming your skin.

We should take care of our skin, especially if we want to stay young. Make sure you follow the tips above to keep it as youthful as possible!

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