Crooked Teeth Myths

3 Myths About Fixing Crooked Teeth

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Crooked Teeth MythsA lot of people dread the idea of fixing crooked teeth. For one, having metals strapped onto the mouth isn’t exactly the prettiest to look at. Plus, you probably heard of the horror stories of not being able to enjoy good food and teeth re-shifting after months of treatment. All these reservations may sound valid, but in truth, they come from misconceptions about orthodontics. If the following myths are the reason you’re holding back on treatment, once and for all, know the truth behind them and get the solution you need.

You will have a metallic taste in your mouth for years.

If you’ve been living under a rock for decades, here’s the good news for you: There are a lot more aesthetically-pleasing orthodontic treatments now more than ever. When before you only had metal braces, today, you can choose ceramic braces, which are far less visible than metal, or lingual braces, which are attached to the back of the teeth, offering a more discreet look. There’s also the option of Invisalign, invisible aligners that work just as well in correcting teeth alignment. To know what’s best for you, consult a cosmetic dentist. Practitioners in Sandy draft orthodontic treatments plans based on the unique dental challenges and goals of each patient. While you’re at your consultation session, ask your dentist how you can prepare for the procedure.

Myths in Fixing Crooked Teeth

You can never enjoy good food anymore.

Surely, on the first days of having braces, you’ll experience discomfort when eating food. You will have to go for softer diets such as yogurt, fruit and vegetable purees, and lots of soup. However, a month in your treatment, the uneasiness should be gone, and you should have gotten used to eating with braces already. Moreover, if you’re going to have Invisalign as your treatment, such appliances can be removed so that you can eat whatever and however you like. The important thing here is to brush your teeth after every meal. Food can easily get trapped in the brackets and cause dental problems. Make sure to use soft-head toothbrushes to reach those little corners. Make it a habit to floss as well.

Your teeth won’t shift again.

Just because you’re done with the treatment doesn’t mean that your teeth will be perfectly aligned for life. That’s the unfortunate reality. Your teeth will shift every now and then, sometimes subtly due to aging or drastically because of an accident. Dentists often recommend wearing retainers after braces as part of continuing care for your teeth. There are two types of retainers: fixed and removed. The former requires periodic clinic visits so that the dentist can check that the retainers are well secured in place. In the latter, practitioners recommend the use of denture cleaning tablets to get rid of bacteria stuck in the appliance.

As much as orthodontic treatments are popular, the myths surrounding them are prevalent, too. Don’t fall for these false beliefs. Know the truth behind them so that you can take better care of your oral health.

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