mother holding her pregnant belly together with the father

Common Pregnancy Pains and How to Easily Solve Them

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  • General body pains can be alleviated with exercise, plenty of sleep, and good posture. 
  • Sciatica pain can be relieved via chiropractic treatments or massage therapy, and headaches can be treated by getting enough rest and drinking water. 
  • Varicose veins can be prevented by elevating your feet, wearing compression stockings, exercising regularly, and avoiding tight clothing. 
  • Skin irritation can be soothed with lukewarm water when showering, loose cotton clothing, and fragrance-free lotions or creams. 
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome can be managed by wearing a wrist brace, applying cold or warm compresses, and taking frequent breaks if using the computer. 

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with excitement, hope, and anticipation. However, it’s not always easy. The changes in hormones and the rapid growth of the belly can cause a few discomforts and pains. Here are some of the most common pregnancy pains and tips on how to solve them.

General Body Pains:

Many women experience general body pains during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters. The best way to deal with these is to get plenty of exercise and make sure you’re getting enough sleep each night. Here’s a rundown of each type of pain you might encounter and how to tame them.

Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common pregnancy pains. As your belly grows, your center of gravity is shifted, and your lower back may curve more than usual. This stress on your back muscles can cause pain.

To alleviate back pain, practice good posture, wear comfortable shoes, and use a pregnancy pillow to support your belly and lower back during sleep. Stretching exercises and a warm bath may also help.

Sciatica Pain

Sciatica is a sharp and shooting pain caused by compression of the sciatic nerve. It usually starts in the lower back and extends down one or both legs, making standing or sitting difficult.

Fortunately, there are now healthcare providers that offer quick sciatica pain relief in the form of chiropractic treatments and massage therapy. Additionally, yoga poses can help strengthen your core muscles and lessen them.


Headaches are common during pregnancy due to hormonal changes, fatigue, dehydration, or stress. To treat headaches, try getting enough rest, drinking water, avoiding triggers such as caffeine and certain foods, and using cold or hot compresses. If the pain persists or is severe, talk to your healthcare provider about taking pain relief medication.

Leg Cramps

Leg cramps, also known as “charley horses,” are sudden spasms or tightening of the leg muscles. They usually occur at night and can be caused by dehydration or a lack of calcium and magnesium. To relieve leg cramps, gently stretch your calf muscles, massage the cramped area, apply warmth or cold, and drink plenty of fluids.

a woman wearing skin-toned bra and holding belly and back inflamed with pain red

Varicose Veins:

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that commonly appear on the legs during pregnancy. As the uterus grows, it puts pressure on the veins in the pelvis, which can cause blood to pool in the legs.

To prevent or reduce varicose veins, avoid standing or sitting for long periods, elevate your feet, wear compression stockings, and exercise regularly. Also, avoid wearing tight clothing that constricts blood flow.

If possible, find a comfortable position to rest in during the day and at night. You can also use pillows to support your legs when you’re sitting or lying down.

Skin Irritation:

Many pregnant women experience skin irritation, especially in their abdomen and breasts. To soothe itchy skin, use mild soap and lukewarm water when showering, wear loose cotton clothing, and apply fragrance-free lotions or creams containing Vitamin E or aloe vera.

If the itching persists, talk to your healthcare provider about topical creams or ointments that may help. For a more natural approach, oat baths are a safe and effective way to relieve itching.

To prepare one, grind 1/2 cup of plain rolled oats in a blender and add it to a warm bath. Soak for 10-15 minutes and pat dry with a towel after soaking.

mother using topical cream on itchy pregnant belly

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve in your wrist is compressed, causing numbness, tingling, or pain in your hand and fingers. It can be caused by the excess fluid in your body or changes to the way you use your hands during pregnancy.

To deal with this syndrome, wear a wrist brace, apply cold or warm compresses, and stay away from repetitive hand motions or activities. If you’re working at a computer, be sure to take frequent breaks, stretch your arms and fingers, and use ergonomically designed tools.

Furthermore, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider about getting the proper treatment. They might have additional tips or prescribe medications to help relieve your pain.

Pregnancy is a miraculous journey, but it can also be a challenging time for your body. Knowing the common pregnancy pains and how to efficiently deal with them is essential to have a more comfortable pregnancy. Practicing good habits, such as proper posture, hydration, regular exercise, and taking care of your overall wellness, can make a significant difference in your pregnancy experience. Remember, consult with your healthcare provider before trying any new remedy or medication. Cheers to a safe, healthy, and happy pregnancy journey.

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